Read more about the article Head Start, Early Head Start struggle with fundingDarrell Hoemann
Head Start director Cameron Moore in a classroom at the Champaign facility on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

Head Start, Early Head Start struggle with funding

The Head Start and Early Head Start programs in Champaign County spent about $6.8 million last year to prepare young children from low-income families for kindergarten. But it is not enough. Although the programs serve nearly 600 children, there are still 230 on the waiting list.

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Read more about the article Federal money woes bring attention to crop insuranceDarrell Hoemann/
A flag waves in front of soybean acres on July 3, 2014.

Federal money woes bring attention to crop insurance

The average yearly amount of taxpayer money funding the highly subsidized federal crop insurance program has more than doubled in just over a decade. From 2003 through 2007, the government spent an average of $3.4 billion per year on crop insurance, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

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Read more about the article Cockroaches, stray knife among complaints against restaurants in the past six monthsDarrell Hoemann
The McDonalds restaurant at Neil and Marketview in Champaign on Wednesday, February 25, 2015.

Cockroaches, stray knife among complaints against restaurants in the past six months

Restaurant complaints filed in Champaign County over the past six months have ranged from a restaurant running out of napkins to a cockroach crawling out of a customer’s food.

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Read more about the article How to file a restaurant complaint
A screen shot from the Champaign Urbana Public Health District's webpage - http://home/citizenaccess/

How to file a restaurant complaint

Restaurant goers in Champaign County can call the Champaign Urbana Public Health District at (217) 373-7900 to file a complaint against the business if it’s located in the twin cities, or (217) 363-3269 if it’s in the county.

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Read more about the article Street cameras help with traffic flow, not ticketingDarrell Hoemann
A traffic camera facing east on Bradley, used to control the flow of traffic, at the intersection of Neil and Bradley in Champaign on Thursday, March 5, 2015.

Street cameras help with traffic flow, not ticketing

For 15 years, a silent guard has stood watch over the intersection of Neil Street and Bradley Avenue, guiding Champaign cars and pedestrians as they travel through it. Twenty-four hours a day the guard is responsible for making sure travelers reach their destinations safely and on time.

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Read more about the article Urbana launches open data portalDarrell Hoemann
Urbana's information technology director Sanford Hess, holds a tablet with the Urbana data portal in the server room at the city building on Thursday, March 5, 2015.

Urbana launches open data portal

Access to Urbana police arrest data is now easier thanks to a new city website. Earlier this month, the City of Urbana launched an open data portal that allows the public to download data on the city’s finances, police arrests and incidents and even nuisance complaints.

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Read more about the article Flooding complaints on the rise in ChampaignTiffany Jolley
Van Boyd wades through two feet of rain water in his basement looking for items to salvage. Photo taken July 12, 2014.

Flooding complaints on the rise in Champaign

As much as six inches of rain pummeled Champaign County last summer, flooding roads, basements and sewers and causing tens of thousands of dollars in repairs to residents' homes.

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Read more about the article Homeowners pay for errors in outdated flood mapsDarrell Hoemann
Chris Genzel in his back yard in rural Champaign County where his home had been on a flood plain by mistake. Photo taken on Wednesday, February 25, 2015.

Homeowners pay for errors in outdated flood maps

Chris and Barb Genzel have lived in the same house in Urbana for nearly 40 years and they say their house has never flooded. "Behind our house is a farm at a lower elevation, and our house backs up to a drainage ditch. We knew we were never going to flood," Chris Genzel said recently.

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Read more about the article Land conservation efforts endangered in Champaign County and beyondDarrell Hoemann
Illinois Farm Bill biologist Jason Bleich talks with Georgetown farmer Travis Vice about how the type of soils on his farm help determine the subsidy at the USDA office in Danville on Thursday, February 12, 2015.

Land conservation efforts endangered in Champaign County and beyond

As a result of the Farm Bill passed by Congress a year ago, efforts to increase wildlife habitats and natural areas that filter fertilizer run-off will receive less funding and result in fewer acres of conserved land. As of December, there were 9,770 acres set aside in Champaign County for a program in which the federal government rents land from farmers for conservation purposes.

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